electricant.co.uk - Electric Ant

Description: art > science > technology > art

design (76139) video (51234) creative (14489) dreaming (101)

Example domain paragraphs

art > science > technology > art

Billed as an interactive film, but so, so much more.  Chris Milk and the Google team have managed to create a truly beautiful, ethereal dreamlike experience , in the browser!  Speaking as someone who has had their fair share of lucid dreams, the tenuous control you have over the experience is strongly reminiscent of the awakened consciousness when you realise you can take control within a dream.  For me it had a similarly euphoric effect!

I haven’t even mentioned the  Technology  yet, but it’s off the chain.  WebGL compositing video with  3D objects, rendered in the browser, ushering in a new age in interactive storytelling.  Yes, I’m impressed.