el-hai.com - Jack El-Hai | Writer and Author on History, Medicine, Science & Crime

Description: Jack writes books, essays, & articles on history, medicine, science, & crime. He gives talks & workshops on the topics of his books & nonfiction writing.

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I am a writer of nonfiction books, longform narratives, podcasts, and the free monthly  Damn History  newsletter for writers and readers of popular history. I cover history, medicine, science, crime, and anything else that hooks me – and that I hope will hook you.

I also help physicians learn how to use creative writing to avoid stress and burnout, connect with their patients, enjoy the pleasure of creation, and enjoy the satisfaction of publishing their work.

In addition to my newest book  The Lost Brothers , I have written  The Nazi and the Psychiatrist, Non-Stop: A Turbulent History of Northwest Airlines,  and  The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness.  My articles have appeared in  Smithsonian ,  The Atlantic, GQ, Wired, Scientific American Mind, Topic, Longreads, The Washington Post Magazine , and many other publications.

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