ein-habesor.com - Yona Levy Grosman Art Gallery -עין הבשור שבצפון הנגב מערבי, מועצה אזורית אשכול , art, gallery, dune, desert

Description: Israeli Art : virtual gallery of 300+ oil paintings of Israeli artist Yona Levy-Grosman. Authentic art of Israel paintings continuing Impressionist landscape painting tradition in Western Art, Israeli artist Yona Levy-Grosman works from nature, Negev desert landscapes near her Mosav Ein-Habsor, send, Dune and dunes. Negev Israeli Art, oil paintings Dunes and send, love is insane, Jewish art

art (55500) painting (13877) landscape (7860) paintings (6953) arts (5132) oil painting (1671) scenery (332)

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Art Gallery in Ein Habesor, Eshkol, Negev, ISRAEL       In the introduction to Yona's paintings and poems book 'Love Is Insane', Professor Dan Kedar wrote the following: "Yona Levy-Grosman unites with the desert. She is the desert. It is this desert that leaves its fingerprints on her works. The topography of the fingerprints is the desert. A three-dimensional, many layered topography. A topography of crevices' of rocks. Of ancients landscapes. A splinted topography. Alone in infinity – kneeling before the

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