effectivewriting.org - Effective Writing

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Close Contact About Guides Effective writing, made easy. We want to help Effective Altruists get better at writing. We offer mentoring, workshops, and editing. All for free.

Effective Writing is a new organisation that intends to help Effective Altruists communicate their ideas clearly in writing. We want to help people start new blogs, write more clearly for mass audiences, and improve their written communication with colleagues. We believe that many Effective Altruists have lots of incredible ideas, but aren’t spreading those ideas to the extent that they could be. There are lots of amazing posts that only get posted to the Effective Altruism Forum , even though they could ge

We offer workshops and courses intended to teach writers about editing, promotion, and pitching. We want to teach people some fairly simple tricks that have the potential to lead to a huge increase in readers with very little effort.