- eemoticons – the technology symbol

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the technology symbol

Predictive maintenance (PdM) attempts to assess the equipment condition by performing continuous (online) or periodic equipment monitoring. The eventual goal of PdM is maintenance performance, at a predetermined point in time when the maintenance activity is most economical, and before the equipment loses its performance within a limit.Integrating Thermography into PdMHeat is often, an early sign of equipment wear and tear or failure, making it a vital monitored performance criteria in PdM programs.Thermogr

For top results, all maintenance technologies should be integrated onto the same computer, so that they have access to the same lists of equipments, histories, work orders and reports.Inspection Process??? It begins by making use of existing equipments lists from a computer managed maintenance system (CMMS) or any other inventory tool??? Equipments that aren't befitting for infrared measurement are eliminated??? Maintenance and production archives are evaluated??? Grouping of critical equipments is done on