edwardjohnson.com - Edward's Home Page of Glory

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to my home page. First, a little about myself. I am a graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park with a degree in Computer Science. You could learn more about me but I wouldn't advise it. I also occasionally contribute to wikipedia

The cicada's returned in 2021, I took more pictures, adding them to the ones from 2004. I have updated my Yellowstone National Park page with new pictures from my most recent trip. They are mixed in with the existing photos from 2010. I just added photos from Saguaro National Park and the surrounding area. Lots of cacti. Some pictures of the National Mall at night, mixed in with the rest of the Washington, DC photos.

I have set up a family website with more pictures and info for friends and family. Email me if you need the password.