edibleperspective.com - Edible Perspective

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Let's ignore the fact that I haven't posted since April and talk about the best baby gear for 0-6 month babies (and beyond)! I've been looking forward to posting about my favorite baby items since before we were pregnant. Is that weird? Seeing other peoples' favorites lists helped us to figure out what we needed/wanted, so I'm hoping this might do the same for some of you! I feel like we tried our best to not overdo it on the gear. I researched and found items (as best I could) that would grow with Lennon t

other favorites: 

I'm sure this list looks completely overwhelming, but I tried to hit the hot items we absolutely love, use non-stop, and would buy again in a heartbeat. My hope is that this helps some of you make registry decisions or choose baby gifts. I'm happy to answer questions about our experiences in the comments! If you have favorite products, feel free to leave in the comments as well.

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