edfreitas.me - Ed | Dev - Software Development Author

Description: Author and Dev with multiple ebooks written and courses produced on Generative AI, Data Extraction, Documents, NLP, OpenAI, Prompt Engineering, Power Automate Desktop Fundamentals, Vue 3 Animations, IT Ops, Sysadmin, AI, Machine Learning, ML.NET, Svelte, SvelteKit, Blazor, Unit Testing, Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Connect, Amplify, Textract, Forecast, Cloud, Serverless, .NET, C#, Uno Platform, Python, Scrapy, Cognitive Services, AngularDart, LUIS, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Ionic

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I'm passionate about technology, I'm a software developer, a business automation specialist, an author and instructor, I love to learn every day, and teach what I've learned to others, Learn something new today!

Learn new technology skills today with these video courses.

Leverage the power of Python. This course will teach you the essential Python skills and knowledge needed to automate IT ops and sysadmin tasks within your organization and IT job.

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