Description: The general objective of the ECSON network is to create an effective research focus around medical data analysis.

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The general objective of the ECSON network is to create an effective research focus around medical data analysis, with the network functioning as a hub to co-ordinate an effective,  regulated flow of knowledge, people and data between, academic and clinical institutions, and liaise with interested equipment suppliers.

For more information about the network and other related research please contact Professor Bogdan Matuszewski or visit Computer Vision and Machine Learning (CVLM) webpage .

E ngineering and C omputational S cience for O ncology N etwork (ECSON) stem from a research project funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant No. EP/F013698/1) under “Collaboration for Success through People” call. The project was hosted by the University of Central Lancashire and run within the School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences in ADSIP research centre in partnership with the Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and General Engineering Research Insti