- Economics of HE

Example domain paragraphs

by  Morag Henderson , Nikki Shure and Anna Adamecz- Völgyi

Higher education is fundamentally important to both the individual and society. It produces a skilled labour force for society and for graduates, having a degree can increase lifetime earnings, reduce the risk of unemployment, and even lead to better health outcomes. Given the importance of higher education, widening access to university has become an issue of social justice and fairness. As such, universities around the world are attempting to increase the diversity of their student population using a numb

In the UK, this effort is centred on the aim to see ‘ all higher education institutions excelling in teaching and reaching out to low participation groups ’. This includes those from low income families, those who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), those from a low social class background, those who could be ‘first in family’ or ‘first generation’ graduates, those who were young carers or who have been in care, those with disabilities or special education needs (SEN), and those from minority ethnic b

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