- Economics of Bitcoin

Example domain paragraphs

I recently read "Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin?" by Lawrence H. White , and attended a webinar where Prof. White was presenting it. I found it sufficiently interesting to motivate me to give feedback. I wouldn't call it a review, it's more of an extended reaction. As for the review, the book is good and suitable for a wide range of people, has minor problems, which I will describe below, but they may or may not be important for people who read it.

The overarching principle of my reaction is that people writing about Bitcoin bring in their own expertise into the writing. This is a double edged sword, because even experts can't be expert on everything. Given the current amount of knowledge that has been accumulated by humanity, people can at best be an expert in a very narrow area of an area of an area. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The problem is when experts start to believe that just because they are experts, they are experts on everything, o

I don't. I have been programming for about 35 years. I dabbled in some other areas, and my university degree is in Business Administration, however I still mainly write and review code and build computer infrastructure (or manage people who do). I think like an engineer.

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