- Economic Undertow

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In light of Hamas’ assault on Israel on the 7th of October and the ongoing Israeli reaction against Gaza, this article from 2014 is still timely.

Oscar Wilde famously observed that, “Life imitates art”. Fast forward a hundred years from Wilde’s Belle Époque; art is dead and life imitates Netflix. Everything the West thinks it knows about the Arab world it learned from “Lawrence of Arabia”. Ironically, everything the Arabs think they know about both the West and the Arab world itself has also been learned from “Lawrence of Arabia”!

The Near East in all its voluptuous backwardness is distilled into a three-hour, technicolor smorgasbord: the man-love, the billowing drapery, the cynical- yet eagerly credulous American media, the fluttering banners, the stirring and improbable dashes across the desert; the blowing up of motor vehicles, the casual barbarism, masochism, escapism, sadism, voyeurism; overblown romantic posturing and charisma; the megalomania/religious indoctrination and the cult of personality … Iraq.

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