- Eclipse

Description: Eclipse is building the fastest Ethereum Layer 2 using the Solana Virtual Machine, so that developers get all the benefits of dedicated throughput with none of the downsides.

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A piece of software that executes smart contracts and computes the state of the Eclipse (and Solana) network after each new block is added to the chain. The most popular virtual machine in crypto is the Ethereum virtual machine.

Sign up for our testnet Thanks. Your submission has been received. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. What would you build if throughput weren't an issue? Every second... 50,000+ Push notifications  are sent. 3.4 million Emails are sent. 100,000 Google searches are made. The biggest gaming sites host hundreds of thousands of players at once. The best applications couldn’t be built in web3. Until now. Find out how. .svgimg{fill:currentColor;) Blockchains built for the future. Superior spee

Control who’s allowed to run nodes on your network. Collect arbitrage opportunities and return them to your community. Charge gas in your native token. With Eclipse, you can structure your blockchain to your desires.

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