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Most businessmen need to travel around the world and locally, in order for their businesses to expand, grow, and reach target audience and also to increase business contacts. For this purpose, they definitely have to travel around with loads of highly confidential data and company’s vital records which also form the unique selling proposition and maintain an organization’s competitiveness in the market.

Traveling around with this vital information can be really essential most of the times. In today’s globalized and digital scenario, which has introduced various data storage devices including laptops, USB devices and external hard drives, one has to be extremely careful in taking all precautionary measures to protect this information. The information stored in these portable devices is prone to various human and incidental factors. For instance, if a businessman is traveling with his laptop, and he is faced

However, the greatest and the most common type of threat that is faced by a businessman is data theft. Data theft may occur in various forms and poses the most serious type of danger for business commuters. People who are on the lookout for data theft definitely use various kinds of dodgy and insanely genuine tactics that no doubt boggle the minds of their owners. Another reason for your data loss can be the loss of your data unintentionally, meaning you forget your USB drive at the airport, accidentally dr