e-chip.ro - E-Chip

Example domain paragraphs

CHIP_Header_NL-01 OVERVIEW A growing number of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) find themselves in need of   stent PCI  or  coronary artery bypass graft surgery , but have been told they are too high-risk for complications that may occur during these procedures. Left without treatment options, these patients deal with worsening chest discomfort, shortness of breath, fatigue and heart failure.

To address this growing population of high-risk CAD patients, interventional cardiologists have demonstrated outstanding clinical outcomes using an advanced catheter-based procedure called  C omplete  H igher Risk Indicated  P ercutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or  CHIP  to open blocked coronary arteries in the high-risk patient.

Expert faculty will offer insights into selecting devices and patients, optimizing technique, and overcoming difficult anatomy. The latest clinical data and guidelines for complex, higher-risk procedures also will be reviewed.

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