dwm.me.uk - David McBride

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This is the personal website of David McBride . Find out more about me .

I remember Cory Doctorow writing that, in a crisis, you are more likely to be okay if you treat your neighbours as allies rather than threats. If everything does go sideways, as things are looking like they could to a lesser or greater degree in the UK, then one of the most important things to do is to rapidly make friends with your neighbours, if you're not acquainted already - because together, you can make things better.

One of the things I started doing a few years ago — just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, in fact — was to set up an open WiFi channel called Emergency Internet on my home router that didn't provide access to my own machines, but did provide open, unrestricted access to the public Internet. Because it would cost me nothing, and it could help out a neighbour in need.

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