dwarvenpunk.com - Dwarvenpunk Cards & Crafts

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Hi, I'm Jackdaw! I like to make things, and I especially like to make things out of other things.

If you're not sure where you want to start, or you don't think you want to get your cards printed, you can start with something as simple as index cards or a playing card deck. Writing the concepts you have in mind on the cards and using them will get you thinking about what kind of messages you intend your deck to deliver and if it has all the tools it needs to do so. Practice reading for yourself, for other people, even for made-up situations by laying down cards and seeing whether they're straightforward

When I am creating actual card art on the computer, whether it's from art I've created or using copyright-free images online, I usually use Canva to create my cards. It has a reasonable amount of control and options available. In the past I've used editing programs like GIMP as well

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