dvclab.net - DVC Lab – Design, Visualization, & Cognition Lab at Purdue University

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Design, Visualization, & Cognition Lab at Purdue University

The Design, Visualization, & Cognition (DVC) Lab is the research lab of  Dr. Paul Parsons in the Polytechnic Institute at Purdue University . The DVC Lab conducts research in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI), with an emphasis on cognitive aspects of designing and using of visualization interfaces.

The DVC Lab collaborates with other researchers in the Polytechnic Institute, especially  Dr. Colin Gray ,  Dr. Austin Toombs , Dr. Rua Williams , and  Prof. Nancy Rasche , across topics related to user experience, design, and education. We also collaborate with members of the Visualization Research Group at Purdue University, members of the Resilient Extra Terrestrial Habitats Institute (RETHi) at Purdue and elsewhere, and members of the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) .

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