dustindemuth.de - Dustin Demuth

Description: This website discusses topics like the web of things (wot), internet of things (iot), sensor networks and their application in geoinformatics

iot (3683) internet of things (990) wot (110) spatial data (38) web of things (9) sensorweb (5) geographic data (5) sensebox (3) sensor web enablement (3) ogc services (3)

Example domain paragraphs

#Add Rules to monitor a Device iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -d $IPTOBEMONITORED -j ROUTE --tee --gw $MONITORIP iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s $IPTOBEMONITORED -j ROUTE --tee --gw $MONITORIP This will modify your mangle-table (how this works is depicted here ), and tee's all traffic from and to your $IPTOBEMONITORED to your $MONITORIP. To remove the rules, just run the follwing code: #Remove the Rules iptables -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -d $IPTOBEMONITORED -j ROUTE --tee --gw $MONITORIP iptables -t m

Soldering Open the device by removing the four screws. Pop off the top metal cover. You can see the net-MD Drive (MZD-N1) and a Vaio Interface Connector. Carefully solder the USB plug / cable according to that specification: http://www.nord-com.net/dglander/md/sony_pcga-mdn1_steckerbelegungen.pdf to the Vaio Interface Connector. When using this connector you don't risk ruinining your precious player, but only the Interface connector. You can find images of the soldering on the page of the guy who also provi

Drivers After soldering you'll find it testing, that the normal netMD drivers are not working. Have a look on this FTP-Server: ftp://ftp.vaio-link.com/ . You can find the drivers here: ftp://ftp.vaio-link.com/PUB/VAIO/ORIGINAL/NV1_DRIVERS.EXE . Unpack the exe file, you'll find a folder named NETMD. Install the drivers and enjoy your new, USB-Only MiniDisc Recorder.

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