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Be aware, and don't fall for the current scam calls that are, once again, making the rounds in our area! The basic premise is this: Somebody from "Microsoft*" calls to let you know that your computer is causing problems with the Internet, and that they're interested (bless their hearts) in helping you get it fixed. To put it simply, that never, ever, EVER happens! It's just a big fishing expedition that would, at the very least, cause you to part with about $300. At worst, you could lose your identity and y

The ploy starts unfolding when the caller asks you to press "CTRL-R" on your keyboard. Then, once the target starts complying with instructions, it's off to the races. The caller uses a few devices to gain the victim's trust, and slowly ups the ante. Want to hear an actual call? Click right here or right here (two different recordings!) and read, then listen.

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