dudeistofficiant.com - Dudeist Wedding Officiant Course – We're just, like, helping folks get hitched, man.

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The Dudeist Wedding Officiant Course is your ultimate resource for planning, performing, and legitimizing a wedding ceremony as a Dudeist priest.

Designed in association with The Church of the Latter-Day Dude, this course will give the Dudeist practitioner all the tools they need to become a true achiever as a wedding officiant. You can even earn your certificate to prove that you are no amateur. Whether you are helping a friend get hitched, planning to officiate weddings professionally, or just want to have a cool certificate to hang on your wall, this course is for you.

The best part, it’s free! While other wedding officiant courses may charge hundreds of dollars to earn a certification, you can choose to pay nothing for all this valuable information. We do ask for suggested donation to help us keep this course updated, maintained, and upgraded into the future. You decide what to pay, nothing, 5 clams, or donate whatever amount you feel like, you can have it your way, dude.

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