dsr-zoi.com - ZBOSS Open Initiative

Description: ZBOSS Open Initiative (ZOI) is a community of companies with a shared understanding of the necessity to have a common Zigbee® Pro software platform to overcome together the challenges of interoperability, testing and optimizing Zigbee®-enabled products and solutions.

software (33814) zigbee (142) dsr (40) zoi (7) zboss

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What is ZOI Why Join What's Included Membership Levels News Join ZOI ZOI member area Zigbee® PRO Software Community What is ZOI The ZBOSS Open Initiative (ZOI) is a community of companies with a shared understanding of the value of a common, Zigbee® PRO software platform to overcome, together, the challenges around interoperability, security, testing, and optimization of Zigbee®-enabled products and solutions. Achieving lasting interoperability across the vast smart device ecosystem from dozens of different

ZBOSS is a hardware agnostic, cross-platform, high-performance Zigbee® software protocol stack developed by DSR Corporation . DSR Corporation is an original pioneer of the IoT market, with a proven track record and broad expertise in the wireless industry and beyond. DSR’s Zigbee portfolio stretches back to 2009 and has resulted in substantial amount of Zigbee and wireless-related problem-solving experience around the globe. ZBOSS features cross-platform support, multi-tasking, fixed memory footprint, OS-le

Click here to learn more about ZBOSS Zigbee PRO 2023

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