dsnsw.com.au - Destination Southern NSW | A DNSW Destination Network

Description: We represent and coordinate the growth of the Southern NSW visitor economy and work collaboratively with stakeholders to showcase and develop their sub-regions.

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Our values are underpinned by how we want to develop as a destination. Our focus is on delivering responsible tourism – environmentally, socially, culturally, economically, and ethically. We want to be front of mind when potential visitors think about a day trip, short break, or holiday, to have a focus on inclusion and contribute to our region’s bright future. 

Our vision is that Southern New South Wales stakeholders work collaboratively to showcase and develop their sub-regions as compelling destinations and contribute to the regional NSW $25 billion visitor expenditure target by 2030. 

Visit the About Us page to find out more about DSNSW and meet our team.

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