drwonderstore.com - Parents, Pastors, and Broadcasters – Dr. Wonder's Website

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It’s both a promise and an admonition for parents. For those of us who have a relationship with Christ, we know that the greatest gift we can pass on to our children is the knowledge of how life in Him is richer, fuller, abundant, more at peace, more joyful, and more fulfilling than life outside of His will. But in an increasingly secular and cynical society, parents need all the help we can get to reinforce those truths as we seek to plant the seed of faith in the lives of our little ones.

It’s tough enough to find good Christian videos and TV programs for hearing children, but for those with Deaf children, the search is especially frustrating! Up until now there have only been a handful of Christian videos in sign language for Deaf children.

Now with Dr. Wonder’s Workshop you have a resource both Deaf and hearing children can enjoy. Every week you can invite Dr. Wonder and his crew into your home, and for 30 minutes, they will instruct your children about the importance of being honest, caring for others, being fair with one another, and being obedient. Your children will learn Bible stories, and they will see object lessons and learn songs that emphasize these same building blocks of character. Most importantly, they will see people who are fu