drwade.com - Wade Baskin Osteopractic Physical Therapy Specialist

Description: What is an osteopractor or what is osteopractic physical therapy? Find out what an osteopractic physical therapy specialist does here.

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First you must understand that we are the only category of animal that does not adhere to a species-specific diet. Why? Keep reading…

Consider any other animal species, and you’ll find that they have a “diet” that is specific to their needs. One caveat to this would be our domesticated K9’s and felines – we’ve started to act as if these descendants of wolves and big cats need fresh table food much like what is marketed for humans! This adds more nutritional confusion as these animals have never had these foods in their ancestral diet. Dogs and cats don’t need carbs, veggies, or fruits – never have.

Yes, you are confused. Your information you have to make decisions about your diet comes from the marketplace (ads, commercials, advertised studies promoting certain foods,) and the marketplace does not inherently care about your health – it cares about profit. It’s not an evil plot or conspiracy, it’s simply demand.

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