drsylvesterfiction.com - D.R.Sylvester Fiction | I write stories about heroes on their journeys, and try to be the hero of my own

Description: I write stories about heroes on their journeys, and try to be the hero of my own

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Quick check-in to note something positive: I’m still in this! My writing is still getting done, albeit slowly, and every day I inch closer to my goal of a manuscript that (hopefully) won’t burn a beta-reader’s eyes right out of their sockets.

It’s proving challenging to fit my writing in, with plenty happening at work, fences still to build around the yard, a toddler who is into everything (two years old now! Why wasn’t I consulted?) and all the other accoutrements of an adult life. I even did some archery today, and my chilli plants are going bananas (or chillies, as the case may be). Now if only I could stop Fred (the wallaby) from eating them…

I’m finding it a lot easier to keep up the habit when I make writing the first thing I do in a day. When I sit down to work, first off I open up my writing and edit a few pages. After that, more tea or coffee, and then work emails, but it feels good knowing that I’ve incrementally advanced the thing I really love doing. Then, because it’s already done, no amount of workplace crunch or late-night catch-up efforts can rob me of the time to write.