drpitcairn.online - Pitcairn Education Programs | The Teachings of Richard Pitcairn DVM PhD

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If you have an interest in discussion of homeopathy, nutrition, and animal ethics check the blog out . New entries are posted as there is time, recently some on the function of the immune system and vaccination.

We had a great meeting this last February 2023. We have tentatively scheduled our next meeting at same location, Saguaro Lake Ranch in late February, meeting Thursday through Sunday. We will update this information as we go along. For now, you can view the information for our 2023 meeting to see what the format is like and the type of topics. Again, we will update this in the next months as we decide on a theme, speakers and topics. Here is the page for  Annual Meeting 2023

The veterinary practice, Animal Natural Health Center, was founded by Richard Pitcairn, DVM, in 1986 as a clinical and teaching center in Eugene, Oregon for the understanding and use of homeopathic medicine in the treatment of disease. The use of excellent nutrition using home-prepared & organic foods was also emphasized. In 2002 Dr. Pitcairn retired from practice and eventually moved to Sedona, Arizona where his wife, Susan, could explore her career in art. In Sedona, the Pitcairn Institute, dedicated to t