drivingplay.blogspot.ca - Driving Play

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The Blog with Three First Lines

Noted New York-area weepist and Stanley Cup ceremony re-enactor Mark Messier took to the airwaves today to lament the state of the New York Rangers hockey team.  According to Mollie Walker, Messier said, presumably through tears:  "In my opinion, if you're going to win, you got to be able to win in the street and the alley. I particularly would not have built the team that didn't have answers in this regard." Messier is here referring to two Rangers star forwards being abused by Capitals' bete noire Tom Wil

The Rangers have been rebuilding for several years now, but they don't have a Tom Wilson sort of player.  But then I got to thinking and I realized that no one else really does either.  Wilson was an oft-derided draft pick by the Capitals who selected him under the auspisces of him being 'the next Milan Lucic', and that derision stopped when he fully broke out in 2018-19, scoring 22 goals in 63 games.  He hasn't quite matched Lucic's boxcars but he's become a solid top 9 forward.  He ranks 72nd in points/60

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