drinkinggames.co.uk - Drinking Games and Rules

Description: The best collection of group drinking games on the Internet, including full drinking game rules and how to play instructions.

games (13305) beer (4843) alcohol (1369) drinking (294)

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Drinking games are a staple of University nights out. As such, it's inevitable that at some point you will be asked the question, 'What drinking game shall we play?'. Well, what do you do if you have absolutely no idea? Enter DrinkingGames.co.uk. With a vast array of drinking game rules at your disposal, you can suggest indulging in a quick game of Beer Pong , an eye-opening game of ' I Have Never ' or an eventful night of ' Ring of Fire '. Already know these classic drinking games? Don't worry, there are p

“Drinking games are always a good idea at a party as they act as a good icebreaker and allow people to get to know each other in a chilled out way” - Georgina, Cardiff University

“Playing different drinking games makes drinking more fun. Sticking with the same ones every time can get a bit boring.” - Darren, Glamorgan University