drfinn.co.uk - Dr James M Finn | Finn.mu

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H ello and welcome to my website. I'm a quantum physicist specialising in quantum molecular modelling of environmental processes. I am currently based in the United Kingdom, but have been known to travel across Europe to visit collaborators or attend international conferences.

I recieved my Doctorate in Physics in 2011, from King's College London, and I am currently looking for a suitable postdoctoral position in order to continue my cutting-edge research, and build upon the skills obtained during my time studying.

I have collaboratively worked with scientific groups from Spain to Italy, having spent many months abroad during my Ph.D. studies. I have also attended many internationally renowned conferences, networking with other scientists. My first publication was working in collaboration with a group in Italy, showing theoretically that the formation of stable anionic ice could potentially act as a catalyst for the dissociative process of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) [ 1 ] .