drewemborsky.com - Drew Emborsky – On a diet rich in irony….

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Not everything serves us forever. We can be all-in on something one day and then be finished with it the next. I wasn’t necessarily raised that way, and throughout my adult life I have waffled a lot when it comes to “letting it go” and “keeping it”.  What I experienced from a very young age…

I was orphaned young. When I share that with people they tilt their head and say “aw, how young”? When I tell them I was 28 when Dad died and 30 when Mom died they roll their eyes and snort, as if to say “oh grow up, you aren’t an orphan”. My definition of being…

It’s crazy to think that something like a vehicle can be intimately tied to a person – it’s just a vehicle – an assemblage of pieces parts that you move yourself around town with. Gary bought this truck 11 years ago, the only vehicle I watched him choose for himself during our 22 years together.…

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