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Two sides of a coin – be prepared for a change in income – and still have income to have fun! Disability insurance – you can have personal policies and a group policy. Here are some features to check in your policy (s): Paid by post tax dollars, own occupation, cost of living adjustments, qualifying events, and ability to increase amount of insurance as your income increases.

Two sides of a coin – be prepared for a change in income – and still have income to have fun! Disability insurance – you can have personal policies and a group policy. Here are some features to check in your policy (s): Paid by post tax dollars, own occupation, cost of living adjustments, qualifying events, and ability to increase amount of insurance as your income increases. I have two podcasts with Dr. Yerrington about disability and a bonus third for females. Follow this link if you are interested https:

Here are two great resources in order to help you either begin or check off what is the first step in getting your affairs in order…. legal and financial. These include health care power of attorney, financial power of attorney, wills, trusts, transfer on death as well as making sure your passwords and social media can be accessed by your designated person.