drawingconnections.site - Drawing Connections

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We are also thrilled with this opportunity and to be taking part in the project! https://t.co/kK4EZ4COPL

Today is Maundy Thursday , a day in the Christian calendar that observes the Last Supper and the ritual of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and bidding them to go out and share the word of Love; since the 13th Century the British Royal family has given out alms, or a gift of money on this day. COVID 19 has prevented this form happening in 2020, but we have seen a swell of caring within our communities, through the act of sharing and loving our neighbours. Giving thanks & showing gratitude to the coun

Yesterday as part of the Learning Together Network ‘ThinkLets’ exercise, we shared a resource put together with colleagues; providing creative exercises for people in the CJS, who are experiencing additional isolation on top of their usual conditions. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kUoLVAaYInozmGXSNNaU40tOiUlkz-P_