dragapart.github.io - DragAPart: Learning a Part-Level Motion Prior for Articulated Objects

Description: Our model, DragAPart, can synthesize nuanced part-level object dynamics. Trained on synthetic data, at inference time it generalizes to real data and unseen categories.

3d reconstruction (42) unsupervised (4) 3d fauna (1)

Example domain paragraphs

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We introduce DragAPart, a method that, given an image and a set of drags as input, can generate a new image of the same object in a new state, compatible with the action of the drags. Differently from prior works that focused on repositioning objects, DragAPart predicts part-level interactions, such as opening and closing a drawer. We study this problem as a proxy for learning a generalist motion model, not restricted to a specific kinematic structure or object category. To this end, we start from a pre-tra

Our model is capable of preserving fine-grained texture details, generating reasonable shades, handling thin structures, compositing multi-part motion, "dreaming" up internal structures of the object, and generalizing to categories not seen during training.

Links to dragapart.github.io (2)