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Home Ownership

Although, many consider, an essential ingredient/ component of the American Dream, unless, you want to risk it becoming, a nightmare, instead, an individual must seriously consider, the best path, forward, for him, personally, and think about some of the more relevant issues, related, to where, one resides, and, calls – his – home! One’s housing options, include: what you want; need; and can afford, and, choosing, whether to rent, or purchase, a cooperative apartment, condominium, or other type of house. Wi

1.  Rent:  Many people, either, decide, or can only afford, to rent a place to live, rather than make a purchase! Some may not enjoy the prospect of having the responsibilities, inherent with owning, while others, may be uncertain, about their employment plans, possibilities, security, and or potential need/ desire, to relocate, into another region/ area/ neighborhood, etc. Others, may not have the necessary credit, needed, to secure financing/ a mortgage! For some, they have not put aside the reserves, nee