- Best Female Magician Best woman Magician Dorothy Dietrich Female Houdini (tm) world famous woman magician. top daredevil,strait

Description: Best Female Magician Best woman Magician Dorothy Dietrich Best woman Magicians Dorothy Dietrich World famous top female houdini

magic (2555) female (1318) woman (1161) magician (905) escape (542) stunt (154) dietrich (87) escapes (60) straight-jacket (13) bullet catch (9)

Example domain paragraphs

--> MAGIC BY MAGICIAN DOROTHY DIETRICH Female Houdini (tm) , First Lady of Magic, Pioneer woman magician, escape artist Columbia University Encyclopedia picked the 8 most noted magicians of the late 20th century and included... Siegfried and Roy... Doug Henning... Harry Blackstone, Jr., David Copperfield..... and Dorothy Dietrich. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2006 Columbia University Press The Society of American bestowed her with the rare and best and highest award the Presidential Citation for

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