- Don't Count On My Vote

Description: Don't Count on My Vote red wristbands sold in pairs for you to send off to your elected officials to let them know they are not doing thier job

politics (4039) vote (1442) tea party (101) grass roots (46) congressman (21) senators (13) awaken o america (1) write your representative your vote counts (1) town hall meetings (1) letters to obama (1)

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  Don’t Count On My Vote

The idea for the “Don’t Count On My Vote”  wrist bands came about while watching the news about the recent Town Hall Meetings held across the Country. I wondered why our representatives were not holding any meetings in our neighborhood. People attending the meetings are being referred to as “Angry Mobs”.

We do not get a vote on any of the important decisions that are being made for us. I want to have a say, I want to have my voice heard. I have written to my Federal & State Representatives to express my opinion many times on various issues. My efforts were ineffective. If I received any response at all it was “canned rhetoric” reciting their opinion.