- Dongkuan (DK) Xu

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Dongkuan (DK) Xu / 胥栋宽

Hello! I am an Assistant Professor at NC State CS , leading the NCSU Generative Intelligent Computing Lab (web under construction) and working on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. I received my Ph.D. at Penn State , where I was advised by Xiang Zhang . I received my M.S. in Optimization and B.E. at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Renmin University of China , respectively.

I has been collaborating with Microsoft Research exploring neural architecture search (NAS) and hyperparameter optimization (HPO) for Foundation Models , and with Google Research to enable scalable and adaptive learning for Vision-Language Models . I was a research scientist at Moffett AI , investigating low-resource model compression. I also spent some wonderful time at NEC Labs America on contrastive learning and multi-task learning.

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