- Dog Walkers

Description: I Make $100K Walking Your Dog In NYC | On The Job, Professional Dog Walker Teaches Pack Of Dogs How To Perfectly Behave On Walks | The Dodo, Guy Becomes Dog Walker Because He Didn’t Want To Be Away From His Own Dog | The Dodo

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Dog walking is both a pastime and a profession involving the act of a person walking with a dog , typically from the dog's residence and then returning. This constitutes part of the daily exercise regime needed to keep a dog healthy. It also provides exercise and companionship for the walker.

In the UK, The Kennel Club conducted a survey of 1,000 dog owners and found that one in five did not walk their dogs on a daily basis.

Dogs are walked with a collar around their neck, or a dog harness , or by following their owner by familiarity and verbal control. Commonly the dog is walked by the owner, or another family member, but there are also professional dog walkers.