dl9sec.de - The DL9SEC Homepage (Home)

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Example domain paragraphs

to the seventh and completely built-from-the-scratch version of my homepage. Since 2005 I hold my own domain and so I migrated from QSL.net to dl9sec.de including the SDCC Open Knowledge Resource (retired). I decided to write all the texts in english, so this page is more informative for more visitors than only the german speaking ones.

Some words about myself... I live in southern germany, in a rural village the half way between Stuttgart and Ulm, called Gingen . The region here is famous for well known brands like Mercedes-Benz (Stuttgart), Märklin (Göppingen) or WMF (Geislingen).

My interests are versatile. As an engineer for communication systems (graduated as Dipl.-Ing. (FH) at the University of Applied Sciences Esslingen ) and as a radio amateur I mainly spend a lot of time in RF and electronics development, programming microcontrollers and all the things around my home network and my websites. Maybe you read one of my articles (or its translation) in the magazin Funkamateur . In the issues 8•02/09•02 I published "µAnt51 - ein universelles und modulares Mikrocontroller-Board" ("µ

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