- DJ Spider UK

Description: Professional and Experienced!

dj (8162) sound (5873) shows (2068) entertainer (1264) disc (577) presenter (371) jockey (223) mashup (121) mashups (35) compere (24)

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Spider has been a professional DJ for a stupid amount of time and Mash-Up producer since 2004.

His DJ career started at the age of 18 when he bought a mobile disco with a couple of friends back in the echelons of time. They called the Disco 'The Spartacus Roadshow'. The mobile lasted for about 15 years, it was a great apprenticeship and within that period he found that he had an aptitude for the job and went solo, starting work in bars, pubs and clubs.

During his early years as a DJ, Spider became the Music Programmer for Music Box TV (it was the MTV of Europe at the time). He called upon his ability to read an audience and was able to choose which videos and which order they were shown for each show!

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