divinestate.org - divinestate.org - Divine State and Divine Covenant

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The Divine State, was founded at Mount Sinai, following the famous Exodus from Egypt. The covenant was made between The Creator of our Universe and the people who he led to freedom and justice - using his Prophet Mose - out of the house of tyranny, extortion, slavery and injustice. The year of foundation was 2448 Anno Mundi.

This is the same state that Jesus and all other prophets of Monotheism have discussed. This covenant has been obfuscated by priests, rabbis, imams, scholars and philosophers, throughout the ages. In May 5778 AM (May 2018 CE/AD), 3330 years after foundation of the Covenant, Guy Ellis, a current prophet of God, redeclared the Covenant of the Divine State and began explaining it publicly to the entire world in realtime, just as Prophet Jesus son of Mary had prophesied.

In march 5780 AM (3332 years after foundation of the covenant), the Satanic World declared a Covid Pandemic, raising a worldwide Demonic State, to oppose this.