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Diverse Developments LLC has been formed as a business to develop properties. We are starting with a commercial parking facility. Our goal is to obtain raw land and develop it into a commercial parking facility. This facility will be an all-inclusive commercial center that will provide the transportation industry with an area that provides 24/7 safe, secure and affordable parking. There will also be a business center that will have amenities and businesses that truck drivers need. We plan to recruit busines

Our goals at this time is to address commercial parking issues, not just in our home state of Washington, but to eventually try and help in the troubled areas throughout America. There are many places that are very dangerous for trucker to park. They are being robbed, assaulted and vandalized. The trucking industry is the most important industry this nation has. You can say what you want about any business, but without the trucks getting the supplies and materials to them, they can’t function. At the same t