dit-inc.us - Press Release | Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc

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In 2002, China started to use DNS hijacking technology to block web sites. Dynamic Internet Technology (DIT) released a report on October 2, 2002, to demonstrate how it works. We gain more insight into how China is using this technology throughout the years. On January 21, 2014, there was a large-scale Internet breakdown in China caused by this DNS hijacking system. It is a good time to release some of the additional information we have about the system.

China, with a population of over 1.3 billion, is the world's largest Internet market. Nearly half of China's population are Internet users. By the end of 2012, registered users of Sina Weibo had already surpassed 500 million. 46 million of these are very active users. These staggering figures can often lead to a misunderstanding that China's Internet is as free as the Internet overseas.

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