distant-angel.co.uk - welcome | entrance to hades

Description: Portal for "Distant Angel Archive", "Entrance To Hades", "Fragile Little Mind", "Intermittent Explosive Disorder", "Rant In A-Minor", and "Bentley Carr"

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… to the portal for Distant Angel , a shining example of the kind of content that one man can be responsible for generating whilst bored, and the most compelling evidence against allowing him to continue owning a broadband connection.

I've been doing this for 27 years now and everything is slowly, but surely, falling into some kind of order; along with the old stuff that's being dragged out of the archive for a makeover, there's plenty of new things to enjoy. Scroll down and see … look, there they are!

So, stick around … there's bound to be something here you might enjoy, and keep checking back (follow me on Twitter ).

Links to distant-angel.co.uk (4)