disruptivewireless.com - Disruptive Wireless Technology

Description: Wikipedia says - A disruptive technology or disruptive innovation is a technological innovation, product, or service that eventually overturns the existing dominant technology or product in the market. I believe that Broadband Wireless Internet Access is a <i>primary</i> disruptive technology.

internet (23932) mobile (13096) wireless (3392) access (1992) broadband (1165) steve (472) fixed (200) stroh (91) bwa (46) bwia (6)

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In 1996, I was fascinated to discover that providing Internet Access via license-exempt wireless technologies was not only possible, but being done routinely by a small band of pioneering Internet Service Providers. By mid-1997, I was writing professionally about Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) as a monthly columnist in Boardwatch Magazine. In 2000, I began writing about BWIA full time in my own blogs, for numerous other publications, and my own subscription newsletter. From 2008 - 2015, I took a

I started Disruptive Wireless Technology to explore the disruptive effects of wireless technology, especially the disruption that Broadband Wireless Internet Access technology, systems, and businesses are having on more established, conventional forms of telecommunications.

In this blog, I'll explore the "general" effects of disruption, and highlight it when I see it. This contrasts with the specific instances of "disruption" that I see daily in writing for my other blogs about particular aspects of Broadband Wireless Internet Access (listed at left).

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