dis-sweden.org - DIS: Welcome to DIS of Sweden

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DIS is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of investigating and developing the possibilities to use computers in genealogy. We are probably one of the world's oldest societies for Computer Genealogy.

Our main web site, www.dis.se , is not translated to English. This small web site will help you to find the resources we can offer.

For a start, you may want to take a look at our new design of Disbyt , our database that helps you in finding Swedish ancestors and genealogists who are researching them. Here is a simple and brief introduction to Disbyt's new interface with explanation of some new features. English (and other language) genealogy excerpts are sent to: Charlotte Börjesson tel: +46 31 47 80 93 e-mail to Charlotte Börjesson

Links to dis-sweden.org (1)