diplomacy.live - DIPLOMACY LİVE

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Diplomacy.Live offers customized digital solutions for government agencies, companies and NGOs in an age of ubiquitous network connectivity, algorithmic regulation, computational broadcasting, Internet of Things and VR. We specialize on smart, real-time and live models of digital engagement. Our integrated approach focuses on developing both innovative and tranformative products and services in order to maximize presence, connectedness, engagement, influence and reputation.

Diplomacy.Live Project monitors sectoral use of the Internet and rates online presence and digital performance of heads of state & governments, politicians, diplomats, celebrities, companies, think tanks, NGOs, government bodies, opinion leaders, mayors & municipalities, universities, sportspeople & clubs. Our publications include several sectoral ratings & rankings, reviews, policy briefs and reports based on our own methodology to measure digital capacity, outreach, engagement, influence and popularity.

Project Manager