diotima-doctafemina.org - Diotíma

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Welcome to Diotíma (v. 3.0), a resource for information on women, gender, sex, sexualities, race, ethnicity, class, status, masculinity, enslavement, disability, and the intersections among them in the ancient Mediterranean world.

Why Diotíma? She’s the sage who taught Socrates the “philosophy of love” in Plato’s Symposium . She’s probably not real. Why docta femina in the site’s address? She’s the educated woman audience of the Roman elegists. She’s not real either. But hopefully through the materials on the site, you can find information about real ancient Greeks and Romans for your research, teaching, and personal interest.

If you are interested in contributing course materials, syllabi, translations, or curated bibliographies, please contact the editor, Serena S. Witzke at [email protected] . All submissions are subject to approval by the site admin. You can also follow us on Twitter @diotima_v3

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