dinglihe.github.io - Lihe Ding (丁立鹤)

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I am a first-year Ph.D. student from MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and my advisor is Prof. Tianfan Xue . I received both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Beijing Institute of Technology , supervised by Prof. Jianan Li . I spent a wonderful time in Qcraft and SenseTime as a research intern, mentored by Boyin Zhang and Dr. Zhanpeng Huang, respectively.

My current research interest lies in 3D vision, especially for high-quality, scalable 3D Generation with Diffusion Model and NeRF.

CV &nbsp/&nbsp Wechat &nbsp/&nbsp Google Scholar &nbsp/&nbsp Twitter &nbsp/&nbsp Github Email : dean.dinglihe at outlook dot com

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